Snowfall and Swift Water
A fresh six inch snowfall meets swift spring-fed water. [ LOMO Digital - Polaroid i830 DigiCam from 2007 - w/ 1/2.5" sensor, 8.3M…
Crabapple Buds
Newly opened Crabapple buds [ M42 Auto Mamiya/Sekor 55mm f/1.4 ]
Chicory Plant
Chicory plant, with intense purple pollen [ Konica Hexanon AR 135mm f/3.2 ]
Yellow Daylillies 2
Yellow Daylillies [ Konica Hexanon AR 135mm f/3.2 ]
Yellow Daylillies 1
Yellow Daylillies [ M42 Auto Mamiya/Sekor 200mm f/3.5 ]
Out for a walk, in Black & White [ Konica Hexanon AR 200 mm / F3.5 ]
Reading Three Inches
Bringing a book to the dog park for a bit of light reading [ AF Nikkor 24-120mm f/3.5-5.6 ]
Level Up
Several fresh yards of top soil needs leveling and seeding [ AF-S Nikkor DX 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VR ]
Eastern Yellowjacket 2
Eastern Yellowjacket gathering wood fibers for a nest [ Konica Hexanon AR 50mm f/1.7, handheld at f/5.6 ]
First Tulips in Red
First tulips of 2016 in red [ Konica Hexanon AR 200 mm / F3.5, at 5.6 ]
Nikkormat FTn w/ 50mm f/1.8
A fully working '73 Black paint Nikkormat FTn w/ 1980 Nikkor 50mm AI f/1.8 - [ M42 Auto Sears (Tomioka) 55mm/1.4, at f/5.6 ]
Post Processed Test Shot
The same test shot, after a bit of post processing and cropping, microcontast adjustment, and color push.
Cleaned Yashica ML 28-85mm - Test Shot
After the teardown and cleaning. Test photo subject: 1946 Leica IIIc w/ 1932 Nickel 50mm Elmar f/3.5, and a Tewe Poly Focus 35-200…
Yashica ML 28-85mm, Cleaned and Ready
The freshly cleaned Yashica ML 28-85mm back on the NEX F3 to try a new post-cleaning test shot. Included is a screw-in metal hood…
Yashica ML 28-85mm Cleaned and Assembled
Cleaned lens after full reassembly with the face ring in place. No residue or hazing is visible. The outer front element gets the…
Yashica ML 28-85mm Reassembly
Reverse the tear-down process, using a new/clean Pec-Pad to support the optical block as it's raised and inserted into the upside-…
Yashica ML 28-85mm - Group 2 Clean
A front view of the cleaned 2nd optical block that is exposed after the 1st block's removal. This is the other element that develo…
Yashica ML 28-85mm - Group 1 Cleaned
The cleaned lower lens of the optical block. There is still a minute amount of haze on another element in this group, but it isn't…
Yashica ML 28-85mm Teardown and Clean
View of the optical block from the side. Note the long threaded section with excess 'gunk', the screw-on edge cap at the rear of t…
Yashica ML 28-85mm Teardown
Place a Pec-Pad on the lens front and quickly invert it. The entire front optical block will drop into your hand. A view of the co…
Yashica ML 28-85mm - Group 1 Removal
The spanner is opened to near it's maximum width, and the brad-point tip ends are placed into the 2 holes on the block. Counterclo…