Stove Top Brick - Color
Sample photo from a Spiratone Minitel 500mm Mirror lens at f/8, w/heavy post processing in LightRoom. Aproximate distance: 150 fee…
Stove Top Brick - B&W
Sample photo from a Spiratone Minitel 500mm Mirror lens at f/8. Desaturated in LightRoom w/heavy post processing. Aproximate dista…
Corner Field Block
Sample photo from a Spiratone Minitel 500mm Mirror lens at f/8, w/heavy post processing in LightRoom. Aproximate distance: 50 feet…
Bus Stop Phone Call - B&W
Sample photo from a Spiratone Minitel 500mm Mirror lens at f/8. Desaturated in LightRoom w/heavy post processing. Aproximate dista…
2TOW Or Not 2TOW
Sample photo from a Spiratone Minitel 500mm Mirror lens at f/8. Desaturated in LightRoom w/heavy post processing. Aproximate dista…
Spiratone 105mm Tc f/2.5
A 1960's Spiratone preset lens w/16 aperture blades of creamy Bokeh, in a 1st generation 'T' mount adapter for Contax/Yashica [ Ze…
Spiratone 105mm f/2.5 Sample - 1:1 Crop
Spiratone 105mm f/2.5 Sample - 1:1 Crop
Spiratone 105mm f/2.5 Sample
Spiratone 105mm f/2.5 Sample
Yashica ML 21mm f/3.3 on a Contax 159MM
Yashica ML 21mm f/3.3 on a Contax 159MM w/ W-3 Winder [ Zeiss 85mm Sonnar f/2.8 @ f/11 ]
Yashica 8-E III, 8mm Movie Camera
A 1959-ish clock-wound Yashica 8mm roll film movie camera w/ 6.5mm, 10mm, and 25mm f/1.8 Yashinon lenses and their matching finder…
Yashica J-3 w/ Auto Yashinon 5cm f/2
A 1963-ish Yashica J-3 SLR w/ Auto Yashinon semi-auto 5cm f/2, in M42 mount [ Zeiss Sonnar 85mm f/2.8 @ f/11 ]