Contax AX w/ 85,1.4 MMG -vs- Contax RX w/ 85,1.4 AEJ
Contax AX w/ 85,1.4 MMG -vs- Contax RX w/ 85,1.4 AEJ [ Zeiss VS 35-70mm f/3.4 - 35mm @ f/5.6 ]
Contax AX w/ 85,1.4 MMG -vs- Contax RX w/ 85,1.4 AEJ
Contax AX w/ 85,1.4 MMG -vs- Contax RX w/ 85,1.4 AEJ [ Zeiss VS 35-70mm f/3.4 - 35mm @ f/5.6 ]
Yashica Auto TLR
A fairly rare Yashica Auto TLR that reportedly had a short production lifespan of only a few months. This one was accompanied by a…
Canon Pellix w/ FL 58mm f/1.2
Canon Pellix w/ FL 58mm f/1.2
A Canon Pellix w/ FL 58mm f/1.2. The fastest of the FL Breechlock series of lenses [ Zeiss VS 35-70mm f/3.4 @ f/8 in Macro mode ]
Yashica YK Rangefinder w/ Yashica branded Heiland Folding-Mite bulb flash
Yashica YK Rangefinder w/ Yashica branded Heiland Folding-Mite bulb flash [ Zeiss VS 35-70 f/3.5 - 70mm @ f/8 ]
Unbranded Rapid Rectilinear Barrel Lens - 10", f/8
An early 1900's unbranded 10" rapid rectilinear f/8 to f/64 barrel lens, that uses an adjustable 12 blade diaphragm, with a mid-bo…
Yashica Penta-J SLR w/ Yashinon 50mm f/2 and optional top-mounted meter
The Penta-J model was the initial SLR offered by Yashica after the switch in their lenses from using a proprietary bayonet to the…
Cell Tower - shot with Leitz Hektor 120mm f/2.5
Cell Tower - shot with Leitz Hektor 120mm f/2.5 projection lens, after the insertion of a Waterhouse Stop equal to about 1 stop