A Yashica-24 Medium Format TLR
A mid to late 1960's twin lens reflex camera from Yashica geared for pros, that uses 220 roll film (and later, w/ 120 or 220) in 6cm x 6cm format [Zeiss VS 35-70mm f/3.5 - 70mm @ f/8 ]
A mid to late 1960's twin lens reflex camera from Yashica geared for pros, that uses 220 roll film (and later, w/ 120 or 220) in 6cm x 6cm format [Zeiss VS 35-70mm f/3.5 - 70mm @ f/8 ]
220 film medium format tlr yashica yashica 24
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A fairly rare Yashica Auto TLR that reportedly had a short production lifespan of only a few months. This one was accompanied by another rarity, a Grey leather case. [ Zeiss VS 35-70mm f/3.4 - 60mm @ f/11 ]
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The first budget model of the early 'Lettered' Yashica twin lens reflex cameras, with shutter speeds of 25, 50, 100, and 300. [ Leitz Hektor 12cm f/2.5 projector lens, from a late 1950's Leitz Prado 500 ]
12cm f2.5 adapted leitz hektor projector lens tlr yashica a yashikor
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Mamiya C2, w, 80mm and 135mm lenses and hoods, and a Porroflex and waist level finder set [ Contax Zeiss T* 50mm f/1.4 @ f/8 ]
mamiya mamiya c2 mamiyaflex tlr
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Their first model with an integrated light meter - a 1957 Yashica LM TLR w/ Yashikor 80mm f/3.5 [ AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VR ]
af-s dx nikkor 18-55mm f3.5-5.6g vr black and white tlr yashica lm
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